St Albans Commuter Town
St Albans, only 23 minutes to Zone One

Renters as well as Buyers Can Save By Moving to a Commuter Town

Research by finds the savings renters can make by moving from a London suburb to a commuter town. It compares costs for a similar three bedroom home.

Due to less stops, journey times from commuter towns to London’s zone one are not much longer than commutes from the suburbs. From Walthamstow for instance, the time is 18 minutes whereas St Albans is only 23. By moving to this attractive Hertfordshire town, there is an overall saving of £157 per month.

Reading soon to benefit from Crossrail is a good alternative to the West London Suburbs like Gunnersbury. By swapping 17 minutes on the tube for 31 on a train, there’s an attractive saving of £545 per month.

From the East, Chelmsford offers a monthly saving of £207 over Woodford for just 16 minutes more on the train.

Of course, the overall time and cost to get to the station is also a factor. Homes within a station’s walking distance, command a premium.

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Total cost

Time to zone 1


Total cost

Time to zone 1

Total saving

Saving per min

Haddenham £1,724 41 Kenton £2,038 34 £315 £45
Reading £1,709 31 Gunnersbury £2,254 17 £545 £39
Woking £2,063 28 Colliers Wood £2.254 25 £191 £64
St Albans £2,091 23 Walthamstow £2,249 18 £157 £31
Kings Langley £1,698 29 West Finchley £1,988 22 £290 £41
Berkhamstead £2,120 32 Clapham South £2,709 16 £589 £37
Didcot £1,570 45 Queensbury £1,938 28 £369 £22
Seven Oaks £1,998 25 Tooting Bec £2,154 21 £156 £39
Chelmsford £1,681 41 Woodford £1,888 25 £207 £13
Bedford £1,479 42 Edgware £1,974 31 £495 £45

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