
Prepare for an energy-efficient winter

With Winter approaching, it’s worth taking some time to see if you can make your home more energy-efficient. Although energy prices may have dipped recently, over time prices will continue to increase, we can mitigate these increased costs by taking action to reduce our energy usage whilst also helping the environment.

Quick Wins

Here are some tips you can implement quickly and cheaply;

  1. Heat your house only when you need to. Try reducing the thermostat temperature and/or reducing the hours it is used
  2. When you are away turn the heating down and reduce the time it is on
  3. LED lamps use a fraction of the power of Tungsten or even Halogen lamps. They give a good light, full brightness immediately and many can be dimmed. Replacements are available for candle and there are some new styled lamp designs available
  4. Review your supplier, utility companies like many suppliers are not proactive in telling you about the best deals, so at least once a year, search the market for the best deals, changing is easier than you may think!
  5. Increasing the thickness of your loft insulation is worth considering, particularly if you are competent at DIY
  6. Consider adding reflective sheets behind radiators on outside walls, and insulate any accessible pipework

Longer Term Options

Areas that can deliver savings but require more investment include;

  1. Cavity wall insulation, but it is essential to only use a qualified company
  2. If your heating system is old, consider updating. New condenser boilers are much more efficient.
  3. It is worth installing thermostatic valves and zoning the system so you only heat parts of the home when needed
  4. Energy companies are replacing traditional gas and electricity meters with smart meters. They allow you to monitor usage helping you to manage your costs.
  5. When replacing appliances, look for models with the best energy ratings
  6. Old windows lose heat and are draughty. Replacement windows though not cheap also reduce noise and most don’t require decorating.

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