Solar Panels

What is Solar Energy & How Does Solar Power Work?

“The sun is the source of life.” What do we mean when we say that? Is it only because of the sunlight we get to experience day and night? Or is it because the sun helps with photosynthesis and warmth? Both figuratively and literally, the sun is the source of life and energy. For millions of years, the sun has preserved Earth and the solar system.

With the way we are using non-renewable energy, it is only a matter of time before we run out of all the treasures buried beneath the mother earth. So in a time of dire need, solar energy could be a good option because it is the most eco-friendly, renewable, abundant energy source. If appropriately utilized with advancing technology, solar energy will help us fight the global scarcity of energy that will soon engulf us all.

What Is Solar Energy?

Solar Energy is the electricity that we can generate using solar panels to harness the energy of the sun. It is one of the few alternatives to conventional energy sources that require burning lots of fossil fuel, generating green house gasses in the process. When sunlight falls upon the solar panels, the photovoltaic cells convert it into direct current and for countries that use alternating current, an inverter used. There are many solar panels on the market, but the Furrion solar charge 10a is a great example.

How Does Solar Energy Work?

Sunlight travels 93 million miles over the course of 8.5 minutes to reach the Earth’s surface and the photon particles last the journey can potentially provide energy for around a year. Solar panels essentially catch the photon particles in the sunlight converting it into electricity. The panels themselves use photovoltaic technology to convert and store the photon particles of the sunlight into electricity.

Benefits Of Using Solar Energy

Low Production Cost

Over the years, the actual production costs of solar panels has come down significantly making them far more cost efficient. So once the panels themselves have been purchased, the installation cost is the only other main factor – leaving only minor maintenance and cleaning costs ongoing.

It Reduces Your Electricity Bills

Assuming the sun shines, once you have installed solar panels, you can expect your electricity bills to come down significantly within the home or business. Moreover, depending on the installation, you might even be able to store or sell any surplus energy back into the mains.


Solar Energy is far less harmful to nature in many ways – less pollution and utilising a renewable source are just a couple of examples.

Government Support

Many governments are keen to help the planet move toward solar energy, often offering discounts or incentives for the use of solar panels.  

Frequently Asked Question

How Long Does It Take A 10 Watt Solar Panel To Charge A Battery?

Depending on the sunlight available on any given day, a 10 W solar panel will take approximately 8 to 12 hours to charge a 12V battery.

What Is Solar Energy Used For?

Solar Energy is largely used for domestic usage. However, it is also used for commercial and technical platforms. One day, it is also hoped to make more vehicles that run on solar energy.

How Efficient Is Solar Energy?

Solar panels are always evolving and becoming more efficient as technology progresses, but efficiency always depends on how much sun a panel can be exposed to.  

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