parcel keep

Be “in” for a delivery when you are “out”

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On-line ordering is booming, it seems placing the order is the easy bit, being there for when it is delivered can be more of a challenge. “Click and Collect” is one option, it works but it doesn’t suit everyone. Leaving a parcel behind the gate is risky, it can get stolen or wet. Another option we think will gain in popularity is to fit a parcel box to your home.

One example is Parcel Keep. It allows parcels to be left securely when you are out. The high density polyethylene boxes (HPDE – the stuff they make riot shields of) are stress proof and fire resistant. They come with a secure PIN operated lock and emergency key. The boxes can be surface mounted on a wall, or a version for building in, as with meter boxes can be used.
The delivery driver opens the box with a four digit pin code you supply at the time of ordering, printed on the delivery note. The PIN can be programmed after delivery if you require.
For more information click here

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